Transmission in Motion


“Leaving Omelas: Media archeology and science fiction” – Stepan Lastuvka

  In the seminar titled “Media Imaginaries / Imaginary Media / Imaginations of Media,” the presenters Frank Kessler and Imar de Vries together reflect on how the three parts of the title interconnect and, in turn, shape the social conditions of the present-day media landscapes. Specifically, the presenters point out how the imaginations of media…

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Meet the Makers: Polymorf

    In this edition of Meet the Makers, Polymorf will be in conversation about the making of their award winning installation Symbiosis. Symbiosis is a performative, multi-user and multisensory VR installation in which the human body is redesigned. It allows every participant to embody a post-human or even nonhuman reality: a completely symbiotic human-animal…

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Meet the Makers: Roosje Klap / collectief ARK

    Meet the Makers aims to facilitate meetings and conversations between academic researchers and students, and makers – such as artists, curators, dramaturges, designers, or other creative practitioners and professionals within the wider field of arts and culture. In this edition of Meet the Makers, Roosje Klap will be in conversation about the making of…

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“Collaboration and Dissensus in the Experimental Arts and Innovation Policy” – Michael Century (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)

    Michael Century’s recently published book, Northern Sparks, offers an account of the intersecting histories of technological innovation, new media arts, and government/institutional policies in Canada from the 1960s to the early 1990s. This was a period when modernizing social and political energies mobilised both artistic invention and critical intervention in the emerging imaginaries of digital…

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TiM Seminar 2022-2023

Transmission in Motion Seminar (2022-2023): “Imaginary-Imagination” Imaginary means existing in the mind, not real. Yet as a noun, the imaginary refers to sets of ideas that inform our view of the world as a whole, and thus our conception of what is real. Imaginaries manifest themselves in values, institutions, laws and symbols that shape our…

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“Cultural Dreams of Datafied Bodies in Contemporary Performance” – Laura Karreman (UU)

  In her book Gods and Robots: Myths, Machines and Ancient Dreams of Technology (2018), science historian Adrienne Mayor narrates how ancient Greek mythology already imagined robot-like automata and other forms of artificial life. She writes that such myths can be considered as ‘cultural dreams, ancient thought experiments, “what-if” scenarios set in an alternate world of possibilities,…

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