
In the Lab: Robot Research in the European Lab for Robotics in Art and Theatre (ELRAT)
A video documentary made by Chris Rijken about the ongoing research in the ELRAT Lab. ELRAT is an initiative of Bram Ellens, Rick van Dugteren (Creative Robotics), Ulrike Quade (Ulrike Quade Company) and Maaike Bleeker (Utrecht University).
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MOCO’24 – International Conference on Movement and Computing
9th International Conference on Movement and Computing in collaboration with the SPRING Performing Arts Festival MOCO’24 ‘Beyond Control’ conference at Utrecht University The 9th International Conference on Movement and Computing will be held at Utrecht University from Thursday, May 30th to Sunday, June 2nd, 2024. Early Bird conference rates apply until April 30th. The MOCO’24…
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[Event Postponed] “Change by Participatory Action Research: Chances and Challenges” – Jaswina Elahi (UU)
This seminar session has been rescheduled — see here For the last seminar of this year’s series “Matters of Concern,” we shall be joined by Dr. Jaswina Elahi who will speak to us about Participatory Action Research, an approach which was introduced in 1944 by Kurt Lewin. This approach seeks transformative change through the…
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[Event Postponed] “Researching performance in the wake: Commitment to a healing labour” – Anika Marschall (UU)
This seminar session has been rescheduled — see here Wake: the track left on the water’s surface by a ship; the disturbance caused by a body swimming or moved, in water; it is the air currents behind a body in flight; a region of disturbed flow. (Sharpe 2016: 3) Wake; the state of wakefulness;…
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“Inquiring and Caring with the Act of Commissioning” – Trine Friis Sørensen (UU)
What does it mean to commission? I found myself pondering this question some years back when I – in the context of a research project on The Danish Radio Archive – commissioned two contemporary artists to engage with the archive and produce artworks in relation to it. This practice-based research design made the act…
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“Stop Building! A Moratorium on New Construction” – Charlotte Malterre-Barthes (EPFL)
To pause new construction—even if momentarily, creates a radical thinking framework for alternatives to the current regime of space production and its suspect growth imperative. Engaging with unsettling questions, A Moratorium on New Construction envisions a massive value shift for existing buildings, infrastructure, materials, unbuilt land, earth, and the labor that holds our world together. From housing redistribution…
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“How to Know Things with Works: On Practical Enquiry” – Mick Wilson (University of Gothenburg)
This session explores concrete instances of practical research through an encounter with a series of research processes that: (i) centre on activities such as making, doing, and showing; (ii) utilize varying degrees and different modes of inscription; and (iii) are engaged in different forms of care. The goal is to circumnavigate any simple…
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[Event Postponed] “Interdisciplinarity and the Crisis of Meaning: A Case for an Existentialist Approach” – Simon Gusman (UU)
This seminar session has been canceled and is being rescheduled. Science and ordinary life have increasingly grown apart in recent times. While science was once a way to understand the world around us, related to everyday life and values, a lot of if not all of the sciences became so specialized that…
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“Academic Freedom as a ‘Matter of Concern’” – Berteke Waaldijk (UU)
Concerns about academic freedom are everywhere. In this talk, Berteke Waaldijk asks what it might mean to turn academic freedom into a ‘matter of concern’ as proposed by Latour (2004) or a ‘matter of care’, a concept proposed by Puig de la Bellacasa (2011). She does this from the position of having been…
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The Alternative Future of Blockchain-Enabled Organization – Jingzhe Zhang
During this workshop, I had a discussion with one of my groupmates on whether we should be optimistic about blockchain technology being applied to progressive or leftist projects. He suggested that maybe we should first of all think about non-blockchain methods. In other words, before “feminist cryptoeconomics”, do we really need cryptoeconomics? My opinion…
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