
“Balancing Passion and Inclusivity: Navigating the Complex Terrain of Environmental Activism” – Laura Calabrò
The issue of overbuilding is a critical concern in contemporary society, highlighting the urgent need for sustainable development and environmental conservation. This topic has been passionately discussed by Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, whose approach to addressing overbuilding sparked both admiration and controversy in me. Malterre-Barthes, known for her persistence and commitment to environmental issues, adopts a stance…
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Historical Perspectives on (Inter)disciplinarity
How have disciplines emerged and evolved historically? How have they interacted, and what are the epistemic, social, and cultural conditions that facilitate or hinder the exchange and integration of knowledge across disciplinary boundaries ? In my talk, I will address these questions by presenting my ongoing historical research on disciplinary formations and interactions. In particular,…
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“Practical Inquiry as an Academic Grey Zone” – Kangning Li
Upon recalling the latest seminar/workshop on practical enquiry, the case which I found most relatable and familiar is the exhibition thesis Rewinding Internationalism. Both the approach and content of this project triggered my memory of a recent experience visiting the exhibition. Concerning the theme of this exhibition, its materialization and assemblage of ideas echoes the…
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”General Practice, Critical Concerns“ – Jhor van der Horst
General practice-based research, practice-led research, research creation, creative practice as research, arts-based research, and artistic research together form a cluster of practice-based research paradigms in the humanities. Mick Wilson started his lecture-cum-workshop “How to Know Things with Works: On Practical Enquiry” by naming these various genealogically distinct practices. Yet, in his short lecture, Wilson’s…
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”Object Failures: Minnaert’s Observatory and the Spirit of Speculative Resistance“ – Olga Efremov
With this blog post, inspired by the case study discussed during Mick Wilson’s workshop “How to Know Things with Works: On Practical Enquiry,” I would like to continue the exploration of Harman’s theory of speculative realism (2018) as a lens for a practice-based inquiry into the secret lives of objects. Wilson challenges the participants to…
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”Knowledge Through Practice: Unraveling Birgitta Nordström’s Infant Shrouds“ – Laura Calabrò
The concept of acquiring knowledge through practical engagement holds a pivotal role within the realm of media studies. In the pursuit of inquiry, the essence lies not in the mere transcription of knowledge onto paper, but in the active process of acquiring knowledge and the subsequent transformation of this knowledge into shareable and meaningful information….
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Meet the Makers: Ulrike Quade
In this Meet the Makers session, theatre maker Ulrike Quade discusses her work in puppetry and technology theatre. Ulrike uses a unique mixture of visual theatre, dance, music, scenography, and literature, with the performance of puppets and objects as the main common denominator. Her approach to non-human performers builds on aspects of Asian…
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“Academic Freedom, Knowledge Production & Public Perception” – Sorcha Brennan
To argue for academic freedom, we must first consider what academia is for. What is the inherent value of intellectual work produced from within the humanities? Bruno Latour’s article “Why has critique run out of steam?” provides a point of departure for Professor Berteke Waaldijk in the first seminar of the 2023/2024 Transmission…
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[TiM Recap] “Academic Freedom as a ‘Matter of Concern'” – Berteke Waaldijk (UU)
by Kangning Li The opening seminar for 2023-24 Transmission in Motion opened with a lecture from Dr.Berteke Waaldijk, who addressed the theme of this year’s series ‘Matter of Concern’ by using academic freedom as the entry point. The first part of the lecture began with the introduction of Latour’s concept on the Matter…
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“Yet Unrealized Freedom: A Matter of Concern” – Jhor van der Horst
“What do you love,” Prof. Dr. Waaldijk asked. We — the attendants of her lecture on Academic Freedom — discussed. During this short heart-to-heart, I loved hearing what my newly-met colleague loved. Yet, how can we secure space for our loves outside of Waaldijk’s careful lecture? Or, as someone during the Q&A asked:…
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