Transmission in Motion


Meet the Makers: Maarten Bos

For this Meet the Makers event, we will be joined by freelance dramaturg Maarten Bos. Bos collaborates with a variety of companies such as Werkplaats van de Woestijne, De Jonge Honden and Troupe Courage en Tryater. He teaches dramaturgy at Amsterdam Theater and Kleinkunst Academy and is also a writer of short stories which have

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Meet the Makers: Phyllis Akinyi

  In this Meet the Makers session, artist Phyllis Akinyi will join us in conversation with Dr Anika Marschall (UU)! Phyllis Akinyi (1987, Copenhagen) is a Danish-Kenyan dancer, choreographer, performance artist, and dance researcher. She works within the realm of flamenco and has spent many years researching and highlighting its African and diasporic expressions. Her…

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“Rebuilding: Professions for Professionals and Amateurs Alike” – Jhor van der Horst

  “To build is to destroy,” Charlotte Malterre-Barthes remarked at the beginning of her lecture. This echoes Marxist analyses of capitalist creative destruction. Yet, what non-capitalist potential exists for architects? What do architects do if not build? Malterre-Barthes, along with the research and design laboratory RIOT (Research and Innovation On architecture, urban design and Territory)…

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“Balancing Passion and Inclusivity: Navigating the Complex Terrain of Environmental Activism” – Laura Calabrò

The issue of overbuilding is a critical concern in contemporary society, highlighting the urgent need for sustainable development and environmental conservation. This topic has been passionately discussed by Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, whose approach to addressing overbuilding sparked both admiration and controversy in me. Malterre-Barthes, known for her persistence and commitment to environmental issues, adopts a stance…

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Historical Perspectives on (Inter)disciplinarity

How have disciplines emerged and evolved historically? How have they interacted, and what are the epistemic, social, and cultural conditions that facilitate or hinder the exchange and integration of knowledge across disciplinary boundaries ? In my talk, I will address these questions by presenting my ongoing historical research on disciplinary formations and interactions. In particular,…

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