Meet the Makers: Sibylle Peters

David Caines, ‘Animals of Manchester is open!’ 2019
“Never work with kids and animals”
A report from Theatre of Research by Sybille Peters
When we asked 120 children to become programming directors of our theatre in 2016, what they mostly wanted to book, were animal acts. They said they missed animals. They said that, other than in the zoo, in the theatre they might be able to be friends with animals. Though we initially weren’t happy about the spiders, puppies and almost real unicorns on our stage, the children’s wish gave our research a new direction: Can theatre and performance allow humans and other animals to meet as friends, as equals? What would have to change for that?
Inspired by Donna Haraway’s concept of companion species and recent turns in animal studies, we created intergenerational performances in which non human animals have agency, and human privileges are questioned. In this talk I will share what we have been learning on this ongoing journey – from the city of animals (Animals of Manchester, 2019) via the Chickens’ Theatre (Hamburg 2024) to Pig Apple Day (New York City 2025). How do the arts contribute to species segregation? Do they have to?
Sibylle Peters is an artist and researcher who realizes live art projects focusing on participation and collective research. She is founder and director of Theatre of Research – Forschungstheater in Hamburg, a theatre for young audiences and an intergenerational performance lab, where children, artists and scientists meet as researchers. She was co-founder and director of the PhD program Assemblies & Participation in Hamburg and recently has been guest professor for transdisciplinary design at HETEROTOPIA / Folkwang University of the Arts. She worked internationally with partners like Tate Modern, Wiener Festspiele and Melbourne Fringe. Her main focus is on the art of assembly, human and non human relationships, improbability drives and heteropian zones. Since 2020 Sibylle works also on feminist performances of intimacy, like the celebrated Heteraclub and the new production Touching You.
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Meet the Makers aims to facilitate meetings and conversations between academic researchers and students, and makers – such as artists, curators, dramaturges, designers, or other creative practitioners and professionals within the wider field of arts and culture.