Transmission in Motion

Seminar Blogs

“Rebuilding: Professions for Professionals and Amateurs Alike” – Jhor van der Horst

  “To build is to destroy,” Charlotte Malterre-Barthes remarked at the beginning of her lecture. This echoes Marxist analyses of capitalist creative destruction. Yet, what non-capitalist potential exists for architects? What do architects do if not build? Malterre-Barthes, along with the research and design laboratory RIOT (Research and Innovation On architecture, urban design and Territory)…

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“Balancing Passion and Inclusivity: Navigating the Complex Terrain of Environmental Activism” – Laura Calabrò

The issue of overbuilding is a critical concern in contemporary society, highlighting the urgent need for sustainable development and environmental conservation. This topic has been passionately discussed by Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, whose approach to addressing overbuilding sparked both admiration and controversy in me. Malterre-Barthes, known for her persistence and commitment to environmental issues, adopts a stance…

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“Practical Inquiry as an Academic Grey Zone” – Kangning Li

Upon recalling the latest seminar/workshop on practical enquiry, the case which I found most relatable and familiar is the exhibition thesis Rewinding Internationalism. Both the approach and content of this project triggered my memory of a recent experience visiting the exhibition. Concerning the theme of this exhibition, its materialization and assemblage of ideas echoes the…

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”General Practice, Critical Concerns“ – Jhor van der Horst

  General practice-based research, practice-led research, research creation, creative practice as research, arts-based research, and artistic research together form a cluster of practice-based research paradigms in the humanities. Mick Wilson started his lecture-cum-workshop “How to Know Things with Works: On Practical Enquiry” by naming these various genealogically distinct practices. Yet, in his short lecture, Wilson’s…

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