Transmission in Motion


TiM Double-Bill: Anika Marschall & Jaswina Elahi

As the first Transmission in Motion event of the 2024/25 academic year will be a special seminar Double-Bill with Anika Marschall and Jaswina Elahi who will each present their rescheduled sessions from the previous series ‘Matters of Concern.’  “Researching performance in the wake: Commitment to a healing labour” – Anika Marschall (UU) Anika Marschall’s seminar offers…

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Meet the Makers: Daniela Tenenbaum and “In Touch”

  Meet the Makers: Daniela Tenenbaum and In Touch The final Meet the Makers event before the summer break takes place at IMPAKT [Centre for Media Culture], where curator Daniela Tenenbaum will give a guided tour of the exhibition In Touch – How to Connect in the Age of Digital Humanity? Daniela Tenenbaum is an…

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Meet the Makers: Maarten Bos

For this Meet the Makers event, we will be joined by freelance dramaturg Maarten Bos. Bos collaborates with a variety of companies such as Werkplaats van de Woestijne, De Jonge Honden and Troupe Courage en Tryater. He teaches dramaturgy at Amsterdam Theater and Kleinkunst Academy and is also a writer of short stories which have…

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Meet the Makers: Phyllis Akinyi

  In this Meet the Makers session, artist Phyllis Akinyi will join us in conversation with Dr Anika Marschall (UU)! Phyllis Akinyi (1987, Copenhagen) is a Danish-Kenyan dancer, choreographer, performance artist, and dance researcher. She works within the realm of flamenco and has spent many years researching and highlighting its African and diasporic expressions. Her…

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“Rebuilding: Professions for Professionals and Amateurs Alike” – Jhor van der Horst

  “To build is to destroy,” Charlotte Malterre-Barthes remarked at the beginning of her lecture. This echoes Marxist analyses of capitalist creative destruction. Yet, what non-capitalist potential exists for architects? What do architects do if not build? Malterre-Barthes, along with the research and design laboratory RIOT (Research and Innovation On architecture, urban design and Territory)…

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