
Meet the Makers: Sibylle Peters
“Never work with kids and animals” A report from Theatre of Research by Sybille Peters When we asked 120 children to become programming directors of our theatre in 2016, what they mostly wanted to book, were animal acts. They said they missed animals. They said that, other than in the zoo, in the theatre
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“Cases on Art and the Political Imaginary” – EARN Methodology Working Group
This interactive session takes inspiration from the Centre for Art and the Political Imaginary (CAPIm), the first Swedish Centre of Excellence in the field of Artistic Research that is based at two institutions of higher education in art: HDK-Valand – Academy of Art and Design (Gothenburg) and Royal Institute of Art (Stockholm). CAPIm is
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“Reimagining Techno-Futures Through Creative Practice” – Institute of Network Cultures
How can we rethink the futures of technology beyond the narrow visions shaped by Big Tech? Join us in exploring imaginative, creative, and situated technological practices that challenge the dominant narratives around emerging technologies like blockchain and artificial intelligence. Powerful tech actors continuously present their visions for the future of technology, framing them as
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Acting Like a Robot: The Finale
We invite you to the closing events of our research project, Acting Like a Robot: Theater as Testbed for the Robot Revolution, on January 30 and 31, 2025, in De Paardenkathedraal in Utrecht. In this special collaboration of Utrecht University, Ulrike Quade Company, VU Amsterdam, HKU, and SPRING Performing Arts Festival, we have spent the past…
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PhD Defence: Irene Alcubilla Troughton “Moving Together: A Performing Arts Approach to Human-Robot Interaction Design”
On Wednesday 29 January, Irene Alcubilla Troughton will defend her PhD dissertation “Moving Together: A Performing Arts Approach to Human-Robot Interaction Design”. This dissertation tackles an important challenge in human-robot interaction (HRI): how to create meaningful encounters between humans and robots through movement. Traditionally, HRI has focused on what this thesis categorises as an “internalist” approach, wherein movement is used to convey and interpret internal…
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PhD defence: Inte Gloerich “Reimagining the Truth Machine: Blockchain Imaginaries Between the Rational and the More-than-Rational”
On Monday 3 February 2025, Inte Gloerich will defend her PhD dissertation “Reimagining the Truth Machine: Blockchain Imaginaries Between the Rational and the More-than-Rational.” In her thesis, Gloerich explores the widespread idea of blockchain as a ‘truth machine.’ Blockchain and the post-truth era Blockchain is a technology that stores data in digital ‘blocks’, linked together in…
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[TiM Recap] “Everyday Activism in Times of Collapse: Bridging the Personal and the Planetary” – Chris Julien (UU)
by Jenny Chan In the seminar “Everyday Activism in Times of Collapse: Bridging the Personal and the Planetary”, Chris Julien explicated how theory and practice are interrelated under the current ecological conditions. Through theory and practice, Julien explored our implicated positioning and different ways of engaging with the world. Julien first drew from Markus…
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“Social Justice and Embodiment: Research or Activism?” – Mila Narjollet
As someone studying artistic research – what it is, how it operates, to what ends – I often find myself curious about the invisible line that seems to have been drawn between artistic research and activism. To what extent can a practice that is developed with the intention of disrupting ideas, processes or systems, one…
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“Make Art Great Again: Undisciplinary Approaches to Doing Art Politically” – Julian Hetzel
“I am German, white, and catholic baptised; that’s a complex starter kit,” observes theatre maker Julian Hetzel in a press release for his creation Schuldfabrik (2017). Hetzel is well aware of his privileged position, and his observation is not a complaint. Rather, it addresses the complexity of being implicated and how this affects his
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“Theatrical Noise – From Frictions to Social Engagement” – Xiaoyue Xu
Understanding the social happenings as co-emergent, rather than embodying a linear causality, is crucial to form productive and generative practices in a world where epistemological foundations and material basis are constantly shifting. Chris Julien started his lecture by bringing in the way in which productive and potentially revolutionary practices can be situated in the…
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