Transmission in Motion


“To Site/Cite Knowledge” – Bernice Ong

                            In the seminar “Mobilising the Dance Archive: How to Transmit Intuitive Body Knowledge? (26 May 2021)” with Suzan Tunca and Laura Karreman, the question that struck me most was the question of how knowledge is defined? Further to this, what types…

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“Transmission of Motion, Transmission in Motion: Some Thoughts about the Use of Written Language for Dance Choreography Notation” – Daniël Everts

The final Transmission in Motion (TiM) seminar of this academic year covered the topic of dance notation and the transference of knowledge pertaining to dance choreography – basically; it was about transmission of motion. Yet, in this final blog post, I would like to focus on an expressive medium that at a glance seems rather stationary: that of written,…

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“Archiving and Transmitting Dance Knowledge in the Process” – Liang Yue

During the online seminar “Mobilizing the Dance Archive: How to Transmit Intuitive Body Knowledge?”, Suzan Tunca and Laura Karreman introduced the inspiring notion of “dance knowledge” and how to preserve and transmit this type of knowledge through the “Motion bank.” The “dance knowledge” includes but is not limited to the intelligence in choreographic practice, such…

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“Enactive Metaphors to Ignite the Imagination” – Hymke Theunissen

Metaphors are useful for getting an idea across by creating a shared framework of meaning. As a figure of speech, what Shaun Gallagher and Robb Lindgren (2015) call ‘sitting metaphors’, we can encounter them in text. Ideally, metaphors will make us think and guide our understanding. However, the authors point to a different way of…

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“In Touch with the Here, the Now, the Body and the World: Technologically Mediated Being-in-the-world from a 4EA-cognition Perspective” – Danny Steur

In the case of Lianne Toussaint and Pauline van Dongen, the meeting of an academic and fashion designer led to an ongoing collaboration whose output consists of both creative products and research – two practices that strongly inform and become deeply entangled with one another. In “In Touch with the Now: Stimulating Mindfulness through a…

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“Reading Issho Through Verbeek’s Composite Intentionality” – Anthony Nestel

In a paper titled “In Touch With The Now: Stimulating Mindfulness Through a Smart Denim Jacket” (2019) Pauline van Dongen and Lianne Toussaint delineate the effects that van Dongen’s smart denim jacket called ‘Issho’ produces on embodied experience. With ‘Issho’, they distance themselves from other smart garments that commonly perform as an intermediary between screen…

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“Smart Design and Equine Sports” – Naomi Tidball

“Moving together means working together.” Menke Steenbergen, founder of IPOS Technology. On April 28th, 2021, the Transmission in Motion Seminar hosted a discussion on ‘smart technology’ in fashion with Pauline van Dongen (fashion designer) and scholar Lianne Toussaint (Media and Culture) (Utrecht, 2021). As part of their Ph.D. projects, van Dongen and Toussaint reflect on…

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“Mediating Fashion” – Bernice Ong

As a pairing of researchers, Lianne Toussaint and designer Pauline van Dongen’s collaborative approach to the theory and practice of smart clothing demonstrates how a critical exchange of material knowledge and theoretical inquiry was crucial in their proposal, creation, and discovery of emergent relations between ourselves and the garments we wear. This dynamic formulation of…

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