Transmission in Motion


“Solar Canoes to Navigate the Technosphere” – Laura Jimenez Rojas

What is the connection between technology, environment, and race? Are the utopic promises of an inclusive space in the ‘technosphere’[1] impossible to reach? Is it time to question how the stratification of cyberspace leads to an uneven distribution of global scale? Arun Saldanha reflected upon some aspects of these questions. The title of his presentation…

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“Searching for a Way Outside the Box” – Mavi Irmak Karademirler

“Geographers talk about maps, distances and all questions related to objective space science, but where does that leave the experience of a place?” (Saldunha, 2019). Drawing on Guattari’s analysis on the computerization and evaluation of the technological evolution, Arun Saldanha started his talk by discussing the experience and globalization in geography. For the market to…

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“Does Design Allow for True Emergence?” – Dennis Jansen

Emergence is the manifestation of a property of an object, phenomenon or system, not by virtue of any single one of its parts possessing that property, but through the coming-together and interaction of its different constituting elements. Through emergence, a phenomenon becomes truly “more than the sum of its parts” (Holland 1997, 32). For example,…

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“Skilled Practice, Merging Thinking with Doing” – Mavi Irmak Karademirler

After the last Transmission of Motion seminar with Tim Ingold, I was left with a vivid picture of him, as he described his experience of playing the cello. His talk revolved around the notions of experience, creativity, and habit to question the differences of bodily automatisms and skilled craft. To understand the differences between habitual…

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“What to do with the ‘doing undergoing’?” – Gido Broers

Let me start by saying that Tim Ingold gave an interesting talk – “On doing undergoing: Experience, Imagination and the Principle of Habit” – about what it means to do something habitually and to master a certain skill, which also raises more general questions about attention & intention, embodiment and cognitive systems. For Ingold, doing…

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