Transmission in Motion

Seminar Blogs

“An Odd Couple: Vision and Truth” – Tamalone van den Eijnden

Frank Kessler’s session of Transmission in Motion on the 13th of January, the topic was “Media and the Reconfiguration of the Senses” with a special focus on vision. During the session, we were presented with several philosophers who somehow engaged with the topic such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Walter Benjamin, Béla Balázs, Vilém Flusser, and most…

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“Theatre and the Resensibilisation of the Senses” – Gido Broers

Frank Kessler addressed in his lecture several ideas on how different media affect the sensorial perception of the observer. The emphasis during this lecture was on media that are based on images; photography, film and television. What is the place of theatre in this story? In this short blog, I will address several concepts and…

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“Revisiting McLuhan’s temperature of media” – Max Peters

There is hardly any figure more prominently present in the academic discipline of media studies than Marshall McLuhan. His theories have shaped and cemented the study of media, and he stands out at as a creative mind who coined, created and analyzed terms and concepts for media. However, this does not mean that his theories are…

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“Understanding prehistoric art” – Alexandra Kinevskaya

It is still debated by many scholars in art history whether or not should Prehistoric art, such as cave drawings, be studied as an art form at all or just considered a historical and archaeological phenomenon. This is due to the fact, that there are no other sources or documents from that era that could…

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“Two Animals One Line” – Tamalone van den Eijnden

As part of the Transmission in Motion Seminar 2017/2018 Nicholas Salazar Sutil gave a lecture on “How to get a Wall to Dance.” His speech was based on the objects of limestone, caves and cave paintings. However, while speaking of these objects of the Palaeolithic age, often also referred to as ‘prehistory,’[1] he was simultaneously…

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“Dancing the Cave” – Gido Broers

Before discussing the movement in cave art, I will address briefly movement in another art form, namely dance: “In watching a collective dance – say, artistically successful ballet – one does not see people running around; one sees the dance driving this way, drawn that way, gathering here, spreading there – fleeing, resting, rising, and…

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“Imagination transmission through Exupérism: what’s in the box?” – Max Peters

Nicolas Salazar Sutil’s engaging lecture gave fascinating insights into prehistoric artworks, through an analytical approach reminiscent of an archaeologist or even geologist. Through his discussion of caves, limestones, sedimentary rocks and the impact of darkness on artists, he showed us how the principles of artistic practices can be recognized and interpreted in centuries-old rock paintings. The key…

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