Internship Reports

“Robotics, Reenactment and Collective Memory” – Nadine Westveer De Mul
I had a very rewarding, enjoyable and inspiring time interning for TiM’s Performing Robots project managed by Professor Maaike Bleeker. As a Research Assistant, I was assigned the primary task of organizing and collecting additional research for the project’s ongoing research archive. Where I divided research and included my own findings into sub-themes and topics,…
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“Research as Embodied Practice: Emotion and the dancing self” – Sebastian Kann
In mainstream culture, emotions almost always seem to be connected to an object, image, or speech act – that is, to an ‘other’ – which makes the subject feel a certain way. So, for example, ‘it makes me feel sad to see images of suffering’, or ‘it makes me feel happy that my friends threw…
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