Transmission in Motion

TiM Seminar 2024-2025

Transmission in Motion Seminar (2024-2025):


“We are implicated in the worlds that we critique; being critical does not suspend any such implication,” observes Sarah Ahmed. She is not the only one addressing the complexities of what it means to be implicated. Media theorist Mark Hansen argues for a phenomenology of implicatedness to account for how human experience increasingly takes shape within networks extending beyond our awareness and operating in ways we do not have access to. Michael Rothberg proposes the notion of ‘implicated subject’ to indicate what Giorgia Cacciatore D’Andrea describes as “the condition of indirect participation in injustices initiated in distant times and places but carrying present consequences.” This year’s seminar investigates and questions various aspects of being implicated, how this affects agency and responsibility, and what possibilities we have for critical and creative engagement with and from this condition.

This year’s seminar will take place at the Grote Zaal of the department of Media & Culture of Utrecht University (Muntstraat 2a, Utrecht).

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TiM Seminar Programme (2024-2025)

Credit Requirements

Like in past years and in collaboration with NICA (Netherlands Institute for Cultural Analysis) we offer students the option to acquire credits (3ECTS) by contributing to our seminar series “Implicatedness” in the form of blogposts or documentation (400-500 words) for 5 out of 8 sessions. Deadline for student registration for credits is November 11th, for more information, please contact us at Feel free to check out past student past student blogposts and documentation on our website.

Georgiana Houghton, Automatic Drawing, 1864