Seminar Podcast
Seminar Podcast #5: “Co-creative practices and learner agency”*
The Story Of Foundation, a concept imagined towards lifelong and transversal learning, has created and produced festivals in collaboration with scientists, artists, designers, philosophers, students, anthropologists, engineers and educators towards the formation of a tribe and kinship that transverses borders and invites individuals to recognize knowledge that is produced and disseminated for the self and the community they inhabit. Keeping with the intention of this year’s theme for the Transmission in Motion seminar Expanded Practices of Knowing: Interdisciplinary Approaches, our student Aishwarya Kumar Iyer invites Jaya Ramchandani, researcher, curator and director of The Story Of Foundation to understand the textures of kinship that emerge, and how this implicates the kind of knowledge we produce, and for whom?
With a Bachelor’s in Science at St. Xaviers College, Mumbai, India, and an MSc in Astronomy and Science-Based Business from Leiden University, Jaya Ramchandani, Researcher, Curator, and Director of The Story Of Foundation, currently holds a position in the Faculty of Science at the United World College of Japan, and is soon starting as a PhD candidate on Learner Agency and Lifelong Learning. Perhaps one of the initiatives that bring together her formal education, personal politics and academic philosophies is a project that has seen a generative growth since its conception.

Currently based in Utrecht, Netherlands, Aishwarya Kumar Iyer is pursuing a Research Masters in Media, Art and Performance Studies. With a Bachelor’s in Art, Environment and Technology practices, she positions herself at the intersections of media technologies, movement-based practice, and cognition currently informed by Post philosophies and Queer Futures. In the past year, her research has delved into researching the concept of citizen, its performatives and philosophies, and what education methodologies are being embodied by them.
For more information about The Story of Foundation: Website
*This podcast was a complementary assignment of the Transmission in Motion Seminar 2019-2020.