Transmission in Motion


5 March 2025
15:30 - 17:00
Muntstraat 2A, 3512EV Utrecht (Grote Zaal)

“Cases on Art and the Political Imaginary” – EARN Methodology Working Group

Aladdin Mofakhari detail from “Upside Down” (Installation, OPEN UP Festival, 2023). Image courtesy of the artist.


This interactive session takes inspiration from the Centre for Art and the Political Imaginary (CAPIm), the first Swedish Centre of Excellence in the field of Artistic Research that is based at two institutions of higher education in art: HDK-Valand – Academy of Art and Design (Gothenburg) and Royal Institute of Art (Stockholm). CAPIm is committed to interdisciplinary practice and research in the meeting between contemporary art and the future of politics. The session will first introduce CAPIm, especially by explaining its coming into being, its way of working and how its activities are organised around four conceptual strands guiding the construction of innovative educational and research frameworks. 

Climate Imaginaries engage with radical ecological change and environmental futures. Historical Imaginaries addresses decolonial approaches to collective memory and nationalist representations, as well as non-aligned movements and intensifying globalisation. Democratic Imaginaries takes its point of departure from the polarisation of the public sphere and emerging forms of illiberalism. Technological Imaginaries is focused on the interactions between art and technological developments and their resulting projections of possible futures. Next, the session will present a set of case studies loosely related to these themes that will be collectively explored through the lens of implicatedness. Case introductions by Maibritt Borgen (Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen), Henk Slager (HKU University of Arts Utrecht), Maria Topolčanská (The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague) and Mick Wilson (HDK-Valand) will be complemented with a reading of the entry “implication” from Critical Concepts for the Creative Humanities (Iris van der Tuin and Nanna Verhoeff, 2022).


EARN Methodology Working Group

EARN (European Artistic Research Network) was established to share and exchange knowledge and experience in artistic research; foster mobility, exchange and dialogue among artist researchers; promote wider dissemination of artistic research; and enable international connectivity and exchange for artistic research. EARN, as an Expanded Artistic Research Network operates as a network of working groups, one of which is the Methodology working group.

The method group approaches the theme of method as an “in-between” site or moment where divergent research undertakings can usefully meet and exchange, an in-between space that enables dialogues within and beyond the artistic research domain. The basic premise of our work is that there are genealogies of method discourse other than the Cartesian (and Diltheyan), and that method talk can have utility without producing claims for universality nor proposing familiar dichotomies of subject/object – theory/practice – means/ends etc. Members of the working group include Henk Slager (HKU Utrecht), Iris van der Tuin (University of Utrecht), Maddie Leach (Hdk-Valand, Univ. of Gothenburg), Maria Topolčanská (Prague), Martin McCabe (School of Media, TU Dublin), Mick Wilson (Hdk-Valand, Univ. of Gothenburg) and Vytautas Michelkevicius (Vilnius).

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