Book Launch: Doing Dramaturgy and What Dramaturgy Can Do

Join us for the festive launch of Doing Dramaturgy: Thinking Through Practice (Palgrave 2023) and the revamped Dramaturgy Database of Utrecht University.
Liesbeth Groot Nibbelink and Maaike Bleeker speak about making theatre as a process of thinking through practice and dramaturgy as attending to such practices of making-thinking. How can we conceptualize doing dramaturgy today in ways that acknowledge the wide diversity of practices of making, the role of humans as well as of materials, technologies and other more-than-human agencies? Which dramaturgical strategies do emerge alongside these developments and how can we think and reflect on ‘new materialist’ and more-than-human dramaturgy?
**This event is in English and open to anyone. Making a resevation via this form is recommended.
**This event is organized as part of SPRING Academy at Spring Performing Arts Festival 2023.